Welcome to the Positive Technology Lab (PTL) – where innovation meets positive change! At PTL, our group researches high-performance computing with a particular focus on systems-level research. Quantum computing holds a central position in our research due to its promise to solve complex problems that are beyond the capabilities of classical computers. By harnessing the principles of quantum mechanics, quantum computing offers the potential to accelerate various fields, such as machine learning, scientific computation, cryptography, and optimization. At PTL, we recognize the need to proactively work on this transformative technology, understanding that its advancements will play a crucial role in shaping a brighter future. We aim to make quantum computing accessible to a wider audience, foster collaborations, and share knowledge with the scientific community to unlock the full potential of this transformative field.


Oct 2024

"Modeling and Simulating Rydberg Atom Quantum Computers for Hardware-Software Co-design with PachinQo" will appear at SIGMETRICS 2025.

Jun 2024

"ReCon: Reconfiguring Analog Rydberg Atom Quantum Computers for Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks" will appear at ICCAD 2024.

Jun 2024

"PARALLAX: A Compiler for Neutral Atom Quantum Computers under Hardware Constraints" will appear at SC 2024.

Nov 2023

"GRAPHINE: Enhanced Neutral Atom Quantum Computing using Application-Specific Rydberg Atom Movement" will appear at SC 2023.

Best Paper Finalist

Oct 2023

"MosaiQ: Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Generation on NISQ Computers", published at ICCV 2023, was featured in New Scientist.

Oct 2023

Congratulations, Jason H, Hamza, and Jason L, for earning an Honorable Mention and Innovation Award Nomination at the ACM/IEEE ICCAD Quantum Drug Discovery Challenge.

Jun 2023

We conducted a tutorial on "Practical Quantum Machine Learning on Current Quantum Computers" at SIGMETRICS 2023.